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Conscious Living

We believe what we perceive.

Mindfully creating our reality requires fierce discipline. Sacrifice is doing something you have never done to achieve something you have never attained. It has zip to do with relinquishing time or money.

“When you realize nothing is lacking, the whole world belongs to you.”
Lao Tzu

Bucket lists represent an unfulfilled life versus dreams we wish to fulfill down the path. It is always safer to make a list or talk about doing something versus taking action today.

We possess the power of choice.
Inventory the excuses you use to sabotage what you perceive.

“What we live by we die by.”
Robert Frost

Wellness is about possibilities…not pathology.

The socialization process inherently includes cultural or health myths we likely have entrenched as truisms. The insidious nature of habit dulls awareness and discipline en route to your Noble Truth. This mindset ushers fear-based illusions to the forefront to mitigate mythical disappointments. Complacency trumps action.

This is a path to self-destruction.

It is imperative we honor our strengths, talents, and visionary spirits instead of overlooking our admirable qualities, accomplishments, and contributions to life. Affirmations represent the cornerstones of self-actualization.

Each of us has an inner critic we cannot kill. It incessantly disparages our actions, decisions, and feelings leaving our self-worth in the gutter. A “zero tolerance” policy to fears and excuses will catapult your inner wealth of potential and blindside self-doubt into submission.

Habits are both neural and physiological — and extremely powerful. Expect at least 21 days to alter each habit. It is a process, not a decision. It is a change of heart not a test of your character. It is not like a New Year’s Eve resolution.

The type of self-talk we choose is key. It will obviously propel or impede our growth. Awareness of this ever-present cognitive nemesis will help silence its distortions and lies. Until we accept responsibility for our perceptions and beliefs there will be little movement forward.

A paradoxical sense of freedom emerges once we understand our power to make life-affirming choices.

“The dance is a poem of which each movement is a word.”
Mata Hari

Energetic dams inhibit our ability to thrive. Most of the blockage emanates from within us. It is impossible to live an authentic life if we consciously or subconsciously undermine our True Nature. Transformation requires accountability.

Our bodies were meant to move just like our minds were meant to be challenged. Fluidity is vital to our health. Blocked energy flow creates an imbalance in one or more dimensions of wellness. The key to fluidity is being centered. A centered body means a centered mind.

Understanding and implementing the concept of being centered will dramatically change your life.

Being centered allows you to be true to yourself, make incisive decisions, and effortlessly catalyze your unrelenting verve in the spirit of transcending your health, performance, and potential in life and sport.

When we recognize our life is our mirror we begin to understand that chaos merely represents our mental state. When we quiet our internal chatter with our breath and posture chaos will simmer. When our breath is low no energy is wasted on tense muscles. Adversity, chaos, drama, and the rest of it are simply part of life – deal with it.

Innumerable options exist to assist in becoming centered. Some examples include meditation, yoga, Tai Chi, self-hypnosis, exercise, mindful eating, biofeedback, and so forth.

Being centered induces accountability and allows us to naturally flit across any self-imposed bridge of clutter, doubts, fears, excuses, insecurities, and derailment to your growth.

Winds of change blow through our lives daily and shit happens beyond our control. It is only from cultivating an inner calm and centered state we are able to transcend perceived chaos.

A commitment to move swiftly forward in the spirit of self-actualization is a decisive state of calmness.

“If you cannot find the truth within yourself, where else do you expect to find it?”

The bottom line –> Awareness.

The path to lifestyle changes for each person will be fraught with unique hurdles. Optimal wellness will truly be realized only when you consciously begin to know yourself…for the first time.

Stay centered.
Live your Noble Truth.

A limitless life is a choice…

Jeff Kildahl

Jeff Kildahl is a writer, author, researcher, and publisher leveraging technology to transcend health, performance, and longevity. Performance Medicine™ is a visionary consulting firm providing ultra-endurance athletes with synergistic solutions to master the difference between effort and struggle. He merges the highly-specialized modalities of glycocalyx testing, blood analysis, biological age assessments, HRV testing, and comprehensive epigenetic evaluations with tailored guidance to optimize health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. Kildahl is credentialed in bioenergetics, biomechanics, metabolic efficiency™, sports nutrition, epigenetics, and natural medicine. He is a dynamic member of CUBE™ ~ a professional speakers group ~ empowering others to harmonize the "Keys to Living in the Song of Life." He is a sponsored vegan ultra-endurance athlete and philanthropist. His company sponsors the spirited initiatives and global events of the United States Snowshoe Association, the World Snowshoe Federation, the American Trail Running Association, the United States Trail Running Conference, and other innovative ventures. He is the publisher of SYNERGY™ | Performance Medicine™ Magazine - a cutting-edge publication designed to impart the innovative principles of Performance Medicine™. Kildahl is the creator and president of Performance Medicine™ →

Jeff Kildahl has 48 posts and counting. See all posts by Jeff Kildahl

One thought on “Conscious Living

  • You Always challenge my thought process and help me understand my Ego….

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