Editor's PickHealthLongevityPerformanceThe Daily Grist

Conceive a Renaissance

We must conceive a Renaissance.

Marcus Vitruvius Pollio constructed his books on architecture, climate, water, astrology, machines, fresco painting, construction, proportions, symmetry, and materials in the 50 BC years. When brought to light some 1400 years afterward, the ten volumes (among classical compositions and speeches similarly uncovered) “. . . Became a part of the firmament of rediscovered classical works that birthed the Renaissance.” (1)

The world and, with emphasis, the U.S.A. suffered a financial collapse in the period 2007-2012. The largest financial bankruptcy ever came in that time and remarkably quickly. Things move faster now, but a factor in recovery became a discovery by large auto companies of the importance of hot rods, i.e. Mustang, Chargers, and Camaros, bringing excitement to an otherwise dreary class and production schedules in general.

I wrote a review of the 2011 book “Mustang Boss 302: From Racing Legend to Modern Muscle Car,” which covered the competition for the three brands on the podium. The strategies used waved a flag for the turn to better times just ahead. Nothing I surmised triggered that revival, but the world is not what it was back in the BC years or even the 1500s. Plenty of factors came into play launching new directions, and a revival of learning and culture, quicker in this century.

The world of COVID-19 attacked in January 2020 and became a global pandemic in March. Now, in 2023, humanity remains in peril even as COVID wanes for the moment. Just an example: The BBC conducted a survey in England with the following results:

“According to the Health Survey for England, nearly nine in 10 people have at least one unhealthy trait such as smoking, drinking more than 14 units of alcohol, eating fewer than five portions of fruit and vegetables, being obese, or having low rates of physical activity. Half of adults have two or more of these risk factors.” These are well-known poor behaviors, no surprise there. It is not going to be Artificial Intelligence killing us; it is us killing ourselves . . . and our children. Governments are not the answer.

What do we need?
We need a Renaissance in personal health.

Reduce the need for big Pharma, eliminate lines out the door at Emergency health centers, and stop hiding from ourselves. Yes, I am aware that most think perfect health is theirs now because of exercise, running, playing pickleball, living perfect lifestyles, or squeezing hot spouses. You may be the Lone Ranger, but Kemosabe would do you a favor explaining “The odds for discovering deficiencies/propensities negating a ‘perfect health’ claim are extremely high to unequivocal.”
This challenge can be overcome now by utilizing blood analysis, epigenetic testing, Heart Rate Variability, and/or biological age assessments, all available through SYNERGY™ – the magazine of Performance Medicine™. SYNERGY™ will provide the catalysts for change. Don’t ignore this. Why?

The Renaissance in personal health begins with yours.