EpigeneticsHealthLongevityPerformanceThe Daily Grist

Epigenetic Testing

“The epigenetics revolution is underway.”
Nessa Carey, The Epigenetics Revolution

Epigenetics is on the cusp of revolutionizing preventive and integrated medicine. Optimizing epigenetic health, performance, and longevity at the cellular level is the key.

The beauty of snowshoeing is that it teaches us awareness. This awareness not only delineates effort from struggle but reality from perception – even though perception drives reality. 

Being fit yet unhealthy is a recurring theme on the trails and in life – whether you are a weekend enthusiast or a podium finisher.

Habits determine lifestyle. One of its most insidious aspects is its ability to dull your awareness and discipline. Optimal health, performance, and longevity mandate an integrative approach. Mindfulness manifests synergy and cultivates self-actualization.

The key to unlocking your health, performance, and longevity mansion doors is when lifestyle and chronotype are in sync. Homeostasis is the desired outcome, with synergy being the lynchpin.

Mastering resilience is a delicate, in-depth understanding of the human system. Life and snowshoeing are unpredictable, thanks to endless physiological and psychological stressors. Yet, the subtle art of resilience flits amid our subconscious, igniting our bold, conscious, relentless commitment to excellence. Mindset is the key.

We have the technology to eliminate the guesswork, decode superhuman, and propel your limitless potential. The following modalities represent an unprecedented, bold medical paradigm leveraging cutting-edge technology to balance your autonomic nervous system, shift genetic expression, and propel mind-blowing results in life and sport.

→  Biometric Blood Analysis;
→  Biological Age Assessments;
→  Epigenetic Performance Testing;
→  Heart Rate Variability Testing 

Life begins and ends at the cellular level.

Epigenetics explains gene expression through environmental stressors. Epigenetics represents the study of changes in an organism by modifying gene expression without altering the genetic code [DNA blueprint/sequence]. “Epi” is the Greek lexicon for “above.” Epigenetic markers position above your DNA sequence and impact gene expression/suppression based on lifestyle factors [methylation].

Epigenetic testing provides incisive, data-driven, evidence-based measures and strategic actions to optimize health, performance, and longevity.

Methylation and acetylation represent critical processes in the body related to epigenetics. Methylation suppresses gene expression; acetylation activates gene expression. When methylation is out of balance, it causes systemic effects that can lead to undesirable outcomes. 

Acetylation is crucial to desirable outcomes.  Acetylation plays a significant role in detoxification.  It works to help detoxify histamines, tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes, nutrition toxicity, supplementation overload, sleep deprivation, and medication, for example. Proper acetylation contributes to optimal organ functions, and shields long-term imbalances.

Proper gene expression is a big deal. The mayhem begins when gene expression results in suppression – and vice versa – and its impact reaches far beyond a sub-par outing on the trails. It invites inflammation, chronic and degenerative diseases, accelerated biological aging, senescence, and numerous other undesirable outcomes – no matter one’s fitness level.

Enter the autonomic nervous system [ANS].

Epigenetics in the nervous system is the study of the interaction between epigenetic processes that regulate gene expression without altering your DNA sequence and the development, physiology, and function of your nervous system.

If those epigenetic mechanisms are disturbed, this can lead to a dysregulation in the balance between the sympathetic [SNS] and parasympathetic [PNS] nervous systems. 

This dysregulation is called dysautonomia and is linked to the insidious induction of undesirable outcomes such as chronic pain, cognitive decline, diminished proprioception, inflammation, microbiome issues, hormonal imbalances, glutathione system disruption, chaotic mitochondrial biogenesis, and so forth.

Your DNA blueprint is absolute. Think of epigenetic markers as apostrophes sprinkled above the words and letters of a sentence [your DNA sequence]. Your DNA provides instructions for proteins produced inside the cells. Epigenetic markers impact [like a dimmer switch] how genes read cells.

Epigenetic testing represents all inputs from life – and what is possible. It identifies propensities that can be modified based on more than 850,000 variants. Find below some categories beneficial to snowshoers:

→  Sleep, 
→  Stress;
→  Nutrition;
→  Supplementation;
→  Athletic performance;
→  Environmental health;
→  Hormones;
→  Biological age;
→  Neurotransmitters;
→  Endocannabinoid and glutathione systems;
→  Nitric oxide production;
→  Mitochondrial biogenesis;
→  Neuroepigenetics;
→  Heart rate variability;
→  Cognition;
→  Several more categories

Combine the foregoing with biometric blood analysis and/or a biological age assessment to learn more about what is truly occurring from the inside out. This will provide enlightenment respective to biomarkers for endurance athletes, digestion, endurance, and ways to enhance your health, performance, and longevity.

The promise of epigenetic testing is its depiction of cellular integrity. When variants highlight abnormal cellular function, it allows the opportunity to reverse chronic, degenerative, autoimmune states, cancer, and biological age while improving your health, performance, and longevity via modifications to gene expression.

Epigenetic testing can reveal propensities to disease, leading some people to take preventive measures. Your ability to do that depends on the predisposition and how to mitigate or prevent it.

Epigenetics represents the study of changes in organisms caused by modifications to gene expression absent any alteration to the genetic code [DNA blueprint/sequence]. “Epi” is the Greek lexicon for “above.” Epigenetic markers are positioned above your DNA sequence and impact gene expression.

The game-changing science of epigenetics creates personalized and precise optimization strategies by taking the reins of gene expression to adapt and thrive under an array of environmental pressures. Performance Medicine® leverages technology to propel exponential changes to client cognition, physiology, performance, and longevity.

The keys to your mansion of unparalleled health, performance, and longevity are heightened when lifestyle matches chronotype – limited only by your mindset. Performance optimization cannot occur without first optimizing health. Homeostasis is the dynamic interaction between genetics and lifestyle [nature and nurture].

Your DNA blueprint cannot be altered. Epigenetics represents what is possible. It represents propensities versus absolutes. Think of epigenetic markers as apostrophes sprinkled above the letters and words of a sentence or paragraph [your DNA sequence]. Epigenetics represents all inputs from life.

The beauty is propensities can be modified – from sleep, stress, cognition, performance, recovery, endurance, nutrition [nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics], supplementation, hormones, microbiome, neurotransmitters, glutathione system, nitric oxide production, plant sterols, insulin resistance, mitochondrial biogenesis, and numerous other categories.

DNA provides instructions for various functional proteins to be produced inside the cell. Epigenetics impacts how genes are read by cells, and subsequently, whether the cells should produce relevant proteins.

The promise of epigenetics is its depiction of cellular integrity. When variants highlight abnormal cellular function it allows the opportunity to reverse chronic, degenerative, and autoimmune states, and enhance health, performance, and longevity via modification of gene expression through lifestyle changes.

Precision genomic interpretation, performance nutrition, supplementation, neuro mapping diagnostics, neurofeedback, epigenetics age assessment, comprehensive diagnostics, heart rate variability, biometric monitoring, neuroepigenetics, and the like complement modifications to gene expression.

Systems Approach

Performance Medicine™ integrates a complex systems approach to optimize performance and enhance longevity. It is important to understand the human system is an unpredictable, complex system versus a complicated system.

In a complicated system, several independent pieces can be modified without affecting the other pieces. In a complex system, each piece is dependent on its relationship with the other pieces.

The artificial intelligence [AI] industry is booming. AI diagnostics fall short because the human system is viewed as a predictable, complicated system in which uniformity versus unique characteristics of the population is the benchmark. The human system is adaptive and dynamic.

Computers can model an airplane in flight because it is a predictable, complicated system. The flight of a bird or human behavior cannot be predicted because it represents a complex system.

There are no variables in complicated, predictable systems, and outcomes. This is known as static biometrics. Variables are ever-present in complex, unpredictable systems, and outcomes. This is termed dynamic and adaptive biometrics.

This is why reliance on data solely from AI-based applications misses the mark. Current health and performance paradigms are applying predictable, AI-based, complicated rules [algorithms] to the complex, unpredictable human system.

Your genetic blueprint is one of the many pieces of the complex human system. Your genetic blueprint consists of a combination of DNA markers [Adenosine – A, Cytosine – C, Guanine – G, and Thymine – T]  known as Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms [SNPs – pronounced  “snips”].                                     

SNPs represent the keys to this cutting-edge paradigm to optimize gene expression. In an ideal world the A allele pairs with the T allele and the C allele pairs with the G allele. Life is not ideal and offers a different set of parameters – many unpredictable. Therein lies the benefit of matching desired outcomes with propensities.

The invaluable art of applying complicated data to complex thinking is “augmented intelligence.” The precise interpretation of the data is the key to transcending health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. 

“Epigenetics Revolution” by Nessa Carey provided the following epigenetics analogy.

Think of your life as a movie:

– Cells represent the actors – the essential units that make up the movie;
– DNA represents the script – instructions for all participants of the movie and their roles;
– DNA sequence represents the words on the script;
– Genes instruct key actions or events to occur;
– Genetics represents screenwriting;
– Epigenetics represents directing all elements of the movie. The director can alter the film by tweaking scenes, dialogue, and so forth. Steven Spielberg would create a different product from Woody Allen – even though both had the same script.

 Growth has no endpoint…

We have the technology to eliminate the guesswork, decode superhuman, and propel your limitless expression respective to health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. It will delineate effort from struggle.

Perhaps it is time to rewrite your script…

Find more information at Performance Medicine™.

A limitless life is a choice…

Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION via the blue widget, our contact form, or 401.207.4215.

Jeff Kildahl

Jeff Kildahl is a writer, author, researcher, and publisher leveraging technology to transcend health, performance, and longevity. Performance Medicine™ is a visionary consulting firm providing ultra-endurance athletes with synergistic solutions to master the difference between effort and struggle. He merges the highly-specialized modalities of glycocalyx testing, blood analysis, biological age assessments, HRV testing, and comprehensive epigenetic evaluations with tailored guidance to optimize health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. Kildahl is credentialed in bioenergetics, biomechanics, metabolic efficiency™, sports nutrition, epigenetics, and natural medicine. He is a dynamic member of CUBE™ ~ a professional speakers group ~ empowering others to harmonize the "Keys to Living in the Song of Life." He is a sponsored vegan ultra-endurance athlete and philanthropist. His company sponsors the spirited initiatives and global events of the United States Snowshoe Association, the World Snowshoe Federation, the American Trail Running Association, the United States Trail Running Conference, and other innovative ventures. He is the publisher of SYNERGY™ | Performance Medicine™ Magazine - a cutting-edge publication designed to impart the innovative principles of Performance Medicine™. Kildahl is the creator and president of Performance Medicine™ → https://pmsynergy.com.

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