Quick Hits

Personality Politics: What Makes a Successful Politician?

Aspiring politicians are driven by a mix of ambition, idealism, and sometimes narcissism.

Anti-Aging Effects via Gene Transfer

Highly regenerative species may uncover new mechanisms for healthy lifespan extension of more complex organisms.

Overthinking Happiness Can Lower Life Satisfaction

Obsessing about personal happiness can decrease life satisfaction according to new research.

Dopamine and Rapid Neural Activity

A recent study found that dopamine signals have a minimal impact on rapid neural activity – challenging its role in brain signaling.

Daily Naps Reduce Dementia Risk

A new study highlights the superiority of human intelligence over AI.

Exercising our brains daily can reduce the risk of age-related dementia.

Nighttime Exercise May Extend Sleep

Resistance exercise breaks every 30 minutes in the evening can extend sleep duration by an average of 27 minutes. 

How the Brain Processes Emotional Situations

A new study reveals how the brain responds to complex behavior choices from environmental stressors.

Glial Cells Reprogrammed into Neurons

Glial cells can be reprogrammed into neurons via epigenetic modifications – offering hope for treating neurological disorders.

Narcissism May Decline with Age

Important implications given that high levels of narcissism influence the lives of people, family, and friends.

Vitamin B6 and Brain Health

 A way to increase vitamin B6 levels in cells by inhibiting degradation; potentially improving memory and learning.

Low-Calorie Diets Harm Athletic Performance and Health

Female athletes consuming half their caloric needs experienced significant drops in performance and muscle mass.

Early Inflammation Linked to Midlife Cognitive Decline

Higher inflammation in young adulthood is associated with reduced cognitive function in midlife.

Your Caffeine Craving: Genetic or Learned?

A new study suggests that your love for coffee may be influenced by your genes.

Snoring Linked to High Blood Pressure Risk

Snoring is linked to elevated blood pressure and uncontrolled hypertension. 

AI Decodes Emotions through Movements

A methodology developed by an international research team used motion capture and the EMOKINE software to decode emotions from movements.

Evening Exercise Lowers Blood Sugar in Overweight Adults

Evening physical activity significantly lowers daily blood sugar levels in sedentary, overweight, and obese adults.

The Failure Myth:
Success Does Not Always Follow

The belief that failure leads to success is often misguided and harmful. 

Night Owls Beware: Late Bedtimes Harm Mental Health

Staying up late harms mental health regardless of one’s natural sleep preference. 

Surprisingly, aligning with one’s chronotype didn’t matter—early bedtimes benefited everyone.

Alzheimer’s Breakthrough

Researchers identified a way to slow or halt Alzheimer’s progression by targeting the plexin-B1 protein.

Serotonin Affects Behavior and Motivation

This study highlights the intricate role of serotonin in brain-wide activation and its impact on behavior and mood.

Exercise Enhances Brain Function Through Muscle-Nerve Interaction

Researchers uncovered a critical link between exercise, muscle function, and brain health.

The study revealed that nerves activating muscles during exercise trigger the release of molecules that enhance brain function.

Thorne Celebrates 40 Years of Good Health

Healthy aging is a gift. Celebrate 40 years in the business of good health. Learn more below:

NSF Certified for Sport®;
Home Health Tests;
Wellness and Longevity

Exercise Yields Greater Benefits for Women Than Men

Regular exercise significantly reduces the risk of early death more in women than in men – despite engaging in less intense physical activity.

The findings aim to motivate women to recognize exercise as a powerful tool for enhancing longevity and cardiovascular health.