Biological AgeEpigeneticsHealthLongevityPerformanceThe Daily Grist


“The afternoon knows what the morning never suspected.”
― Robert Frost

Aging is considered a disease.

Performance Medicine™ offers research-backed lifestyle modifications to mitigate aging and measurably reduce the risk of age-related chronic and degenerative diseases based on your biological age. Epigenetics is the modification of gene expression to optimize and enhance health, performance, and longevity.

Chronological Age is simply how many years you have been alive. Biological Age describes how well your body is aging. A body that is aging slower will have better cell function and fewer outward traits of age [wrinkles, vision loss, and susceptibility to age-related diseases] than someone who is aging faster. 

Studies have shown that decreasing your biological age by 7 years cuts in half your incidence of age-related diseases.

Autonomic Nervous System

Our mindset affects our homeostasis. One of the most impactful elements of the preceding approaches is whether or not your autonomic nervous system [ANS] is balanced. Stress impacts biological aging because it disrupts the ANS. 

Prolonged SNS visits insidiously compromise normal bodily functions and negatively impact our health, performance, and longevity. Research has indicated people reside most in the SNS zone – exacerbated by global pandemics, life-threatening circumstances, and stress. Snowshoeing represents a form of stress. Find some compromised areas below:

→ Suppressed digestion – especially gluten and other common allergens;
→ Decreased tissue hydration;
→ Compromised immune system;
→ Reduced lung capacity;
→ Poor circulation;
→ Diminished blood flow | stroke volume;
→ Impaired cognition;
→ Body structure compressed – leading to joint inflammation;
→ Chronic pain

PNS allows the body to function optimally in the spirit of repair and regeneration. A healthy nervous system is an optimal balance of parasympathetic and sympathetic nervous system activation.

The benefits of stress reduction are equally broad. The following represent some areas where a healthy nervous system dramatically improves function:

→ Premature aging;
→ Blood circulation;
→ Tissue hydration;
→ Brain function;
→ Cardiovascular health;
→ Digestion | food allergens;
→ Cognition;
→ Lymphatic system;
→ Pain relief;
→ Posture;
→ Respiration;
→ Immune system;
→ Stress reduction

Simple breathwork will work wonders to balance your ANS based on the Cardiac Coherence concept. The key is to activate your PNS to slow your heart rate, release invaluable nitric oxide, and enhance heart rate variability [HRV]. It is a synergistic approach to homeostasis via Pranayama.

Biological age measures the pace at which your body has aged for every year you’ve been alive. It reflects a combination of your genetics, accumulated lifestyle factors, and other environmental determinants such as demographics, diet, and exercise habits.

Chemical modifications on specific parts of your genome track predictably with ageThese sites of DNA methylation can be identified and analyzed to calculate biological age. Your organs and energy systems have their biological age and contribute to your pace of aging.

Tracking your biological age over time can be vital to understanding lifestyle choices that are supportive or harmful to your rate of aging.

Biological age testing offers the following benefits:

→  Predictive value for age-related diseases and mortality;
→  Identifying health risks such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative disorders…;
→  Provides a vital understanding of how lifestyle choices impact the pace of aging;
→  DNA methylation [epigenetic clocks] is the gold standard for measuring DNA tags
→  Analysis of the impact of lifestyle, nutrition, sleep, genetics, illness, and more had on your body;
→  Age score pinpoints areas where changes would improve health, performance, and longevity;
→  Identifies disease and morbidity risks before their clinical manifestation;
→  Provides insight into health span versus lifespan

Longevity research tracks molecular markers linked with the aging process. Your chronological age will progress at a fixed rate, but your biological age depicts how your lifestyle choices and behaviors affect your body. Epigenetic markers provide a snapshot of your health span [current health] and your lifespan [how long you will live].

Research shows DNA methylation [epigenetic markers] is a fundamental process of aging and the most predictive biomarker for all age-related diseases. Studies have shown that decreasing your biological age by seven years cuts in half your incidence of age-related diseases.

Environmental factors and your choices impact gene expression. It is possible to reverse biological age in eight weeks through lifestyle modifications to optimize health, snowshoeing endeavors, race performance, and longevity. Your DNA is not your destiny.

Aging is the progressive loss of cell function; we do not age the same way or at the same rate. Epigenetic markers are responsible for cell function. You can make real and lasting improvements to your health and lifespan at a molecular level through lifestyle choices.

TruAge™ COMPLETE represents a comprehensive picture of your biological aging speed via a suite of reports based on your epigenetic markers.

Your biological age is more accurate at predicting health span and life span than any previous molecular biomarker and can be correlated to almost any health factor such as physical fitness, socioeconomic status, and all inputs from life.

Discover how old you are really, with our COMPLETE Plan. The results include your overall biological age [Intrinsic Age] and the age of your immune system [Extrinsic Age]. Discover how many years your body is aging on a biological level versus each calendar year.

The COMPLETE Plan integrates second and third-generation scientific algorithms to analyze your DNA methylation and deliver the most accurate predictive results currently available.

The COMPLETE Plan generates the following reports:

→  Biological age;
→  Fitness;
→  Pace of aging;
→  Immune system;
→  Telomere length;
→  Smoking Exposure risk;
→  Alcohol consumption;
→  Weight loss response  

Discover your biological age through the most advanced and predictive aging algorithm ever created; OMICm Age, developed by TruDiagnostic in partnership with Harvard University.

OMICm Age is exciting for healthcare providers and patients alike because it provides novel insights into the reasons why someone is experiencing advanced aging. Older analysis was limited only being able to determine if a patient’s age and biological aging were accelerated or decelerated. Now we can not only tell you your biological age, but what is most likely contributing to age acceleration!

This report includes the following:

→  Your OMICm Biological Age;
→  Your Risk of Death;
→  Your Risk of Stroke, Cancer, Congenital Heart Disease, COPD, Depression, and Type II Diabetes;
→  Your Methylation Risk Scores for Various Proteins;
→  Your Methylation Risk Scores for Various Metabolites;
→  Your Methylation Risk Scores for Clinical Biomarkers

PLUS– Discover whether your methylation risk scores for various, multi-omic measurements are correlated with a higher or lower biological age. This report also calculates what your risk of death and disease would be if your biological age increases or decreases by one to several years.

Our PACE Plan features the coveted Dunedin Pace of Aging and Telomeres length reports to create a unique, precise test to determine the speed your body is aging at the cellular level. It is highly sensitive to short-term changes and is built to be a powerful tool for individuals to test the efficacy of interventions respective to their aging rate.

Your cells do not celebrate your birthday and have little regard for your chronological age. Your tissue, organs, and blood reflect your “phenotypic age” – more commonly referred to as your biological age. Biological age is a measurement of your age based on various biomarkers — a number that can change due to lifestyle and other health factors.

Life is unpredictable…

The complex human system is unpredictable…
Biological age is reversible.

There are several things you can do to improve overall health and thereby increase the likelihood of slowing biological aging: diet, cultivating healthy relationships, managing stress, sleep, and exercise.

The rate of aging is your biological age relative to your chronological age — a measure of the pace at which your body has aged for every year you’ve been alive. Your biological age reflects a combination of your genetics, accumulated lifestyle choices, and other environmental determinants such as demographics, diet, and exercise habits.

Aging provokes a progressive decline in physiological and cognitive function that contributes to reduced mobility and an increased risk of diseases and mortality. 

Aging is a significant contributor to chronic diseases and conditions, metabolic dysfunction, and geriatric syndromes such as cognitive impairment, incontinence, and frailty, which decrease the ability to recover from injury or illness. 

We have the technology to eliminate the guesswork by analyzing your genetic blueprint to modify gene expression. Challenge yourself today to boldly manifest the keys to your mansion of unparalleled health, performance, and longevity.

Merge knowledge of your genetic code, blood analysis, and biological age with customized, curated consults tailored to your needs. Everything changes when you discover the difference between effort and struggle in life and sport.

Find more information at Performance Medicine™.

A limitless life is a choice…

Schedule a FREE CONSULTATION via the blue widget, our contact form, or 401.207.4215.

Jeff Kildahl

Jeff Kildahl is a writer, author, researcher, and publisher leveraging technology to transcend health, performance, and longevity. Performance Medicine™ is a visionary consulting firm providing ultra-endurance athletes with synergistic solutions to master the difference between effort and struggle. He merges the highly-specialized modalities of glycocalyx testing, blood analysis, biological age assessments, HRV testing, and comprehensive epigenetic evaluations with tailored guidance to optimize health, performance, and longevity in life and sport. Kildahl is credentialed in bioenergetics, biomechanics, metabolic efficiency™, sports nutrition, epigenetics, and natural medicine. He is a dynamic member of CUBE™ ~ a professional speakers group ~ empowering others to harmonize the "Keys to Living in the Song of Life." He is a sponsored vegan ultra-endurance athlete and philanthropist. His company sponsors the spirited initiatives and global events of the United States Snowshoe Association, the World Snowshoe Federation, the American Trail Running Association, the United States Trail Running Conference, and other innovative ventures. He is the publisher of SYNERGY™ | Performance Medicine™ Magazine - a cutting-edge publication designed to impart the innovative principles of Performance Medicine™. Kildahl is the creator and president of Performance Medicine™ →

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